Trans educators


Murray, O. J. (2015). Queer inclusion in teacher education: Bridging theory, research, and practice. New York: Routledge.


Book chapters

Ambuter, R. (2015). Teaching trans. In K. Jennings (Ed.), One teacher in ten in the new millennium: LGBT educators speak out about what’s gotten better… and what hasn’t (pp. 14-22). Boston, MA: Beacon Press.

Doi, I. (2017). On being a teacher first and transgender second. In W. DeJean & J. Sapp (Eds.), Dear gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender teacher: Letters of advice to help you find your way (pp. 73-76). US: IAP.

Harris, A., & Jones, T. (2014). Trans teacher experiences and the failure of visibility. In A. Harris & E. M. Gray (Eds.), Queer teachers, identity and performativity (pp. 11-28). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Suriyasarn, B. (2016). Discrimination and marginalization of LGBT workers in Thailand. In T. Köllen (Ed.), Sexual orientation and transgender issues in organizations: Global perspectives on LGBT workforce diversity (pp. 197-215). Cham: Springer.


Journal articles

Bartolome, S. J. (2016). Melanie’s story: A narrative account of a transgender music educator’s journey. Bulletin of the Council for Research in Music Education, 207-208, 25-47.

Francis, D. (2014). ‘You must be thinking what a lesbian man teacher is doing in a nice place like Dipane Letsie school?’: Enacting, negotiating and reproducing dominant understandings of gender in a rural school in the free state, South Africa. Gender and Education, 26(5), 539-552.

Luschen, K. V., & Bogad, L. (2003). Bodies that matter: Transgenderism, innocence and the politics of ‘unprofessional’ pedagogy. Sex Education, 3(2), 145-155.

McCarthy, L. (2003). Wearing my identity: A transgender teacher in the classroom. Equity & Excellence in Education, 36(2), 170-183.

Platero, R. (L.), & Drager, E. H. (2015). Two trans* teachers in Madrid: Interrogating trans*formative pedagogies. TSQ: Transgender Studies Quarterly, 2(3), 447-463.

Roberts, G., Allan, C., & Wells, K. (2007). Understanding gender identity in k-12 schools. Journal of Gay & Lesbian Issues in Education, 4(4), 119-129.

Sowden, B., Fleming, J., Savage, T. A., & Woitaszewski, S. A. (2016). Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender-identified school psychologists: A qualitative study of their professional experiences. Contemporary School Psychology, 20(1), 1-9.

Wells, K. (2018). Transgender teachers: The personal, pedagogical, and political. Journal of Homosexuality, 65(12), 1543-1581.


Policies and guidance

Australian Education Union. (2015). Sexual orientation, gender identity and intersex policy. Melbourne: AEU

GIRES. (2017). Transition of a teacher in school: Summary of the law and good practice

National Union of Teachers. (2016). Transgender discrimination: Guidance for members in England and Wales.

National Union of Teachers. (2016). Transgender harassment: Guidance for members in England and Wales.


Websites and networks

Trans/Nonbinary Educators Network