Guides, booklets and toolkits


Australian Psychological Society. (n.d.). Information sheet: Transgender and gender diverse children.

Beyond Blue. (n.d.). Families like mine: A guide for parents and families of young people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, gender diverse or who are questioning their sexuality or gender identity.

Kelly, F. (n.d.). Navigating the stage 2 process: A legal toolkit for parents of transgender children. La Trobe University and Victoria Law Foundation.

Snelleksz-Mathelot, C., & WA Gender Project. (2007). Simply trans: Information on transgenderism and transsexuality for young people, their family, friends and support workers. Perth Inner City Youth Service, Gay and Lesbian Community Services, and Department for Community Development.

Transcend. (2020). A guide for parents and carers.

Ygender, & Minus 18. (2017). Trans 101: Gender diversity crash course.


Allsorts Youth Project. (2015). A journey without a map: Being a parent of a trans child. Brighton, UK: Allsorts Youth Project.

Central Toronto Youth Services. (2016). Families in TRANSition: A resource guide for families of transgender youth (2nd ed.).Toronto, Ontario: Central Toronto Youth Services.

Human Rights Campaign Foundation, American College of Osteopathic Pediatricians, & American Academy of Pediatrics. (2016). Supporting & caring for transgender children. Washington, DC.

Open Society Foundations. (2015). License to be yourself: Trans children and youth.